Kombu Seaweed - 3 Pack

Kombu Seaweed - 3 Pack
Kombu is a dried, edible seaweed that is a flavorful addition to any dish. Our Pacific-grown kombu is dried to perfection, preserving its natural vitamins and minerals. Kombu (dasima in Korean), is a popular seaweed variety known for its rich umami flavor and versatility.
How does kombu taste?
Kombu boasts a crisp, plant-like flavor with a touch of sweetness and subtle herbal undertones, all enhanced by a faint oceanic essence. With a high concentration of glutamic acid (the white powder found on kombu strips), this seaweed adds a delectable umami kick to all your meals.
What are the benefits of eating kombu?
Kombu is a natural flavor enhancer and protein tenderizer due to its high quantity of glutamic acid. According to the USDA, Kombu is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as iodine, iron, and calcium.
How can I use kombu?
- Use a small 1" piece of kombu to season dried beans or rice during cooking to enhance flavors and textures.
- Use in making soup broths, such as dashi, ramen or miso soup.
- Add crushed or powdered kombu to salads, soups, or sprinkled on pasta.
- Add powdered kombu to green tea to make Japanese kombucha!

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